Chris Eustace

Chris Updated 2024

Construction Manager


Eusto, big horse, big gun... The list goes on.

How long has he worked at Platinum Pro?

4 years.

Eusto’s average workday includes:

Lots of phone calls, organising, supervising and teaching the next gun carpenters.

Favourite part about his job?

The lifestyle, the banter and all the people you get to meet.

Most memorable or favourite project:

Preservation Bay mansion.

A tool Eusto can’t go a day without:

A full smoko box - gotta stay fueled.

Special skills:

I'm a fish in the water.

Why does he love Platinum Pro?

Boss is an absolute legend and wouldn't find a more giving, hardworking fair bloke to work under.

What would he take on a deserted island?

100 litres of fuel, my tinny and carton of Carlton draught.

Final meal ever:

Lasagne and cold carrot and orange juice.

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